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Government Vacancies Enquiry System
Job Number: 45220
Department: Education Bureau 
Division/Section/Unit: Government Secondary and Primary Schools 
Job Title: Various posts in Government Secondary and Primary Schools 
Salary: Monthly salary start at HK$13,315 depending on post applied for 
Entry Requirements: For details please refer to the Education Bureau's homepage at
Duties: For details please refer to the Education Bureau's homepage at
Terms of Appointment: For details please refer to the Education Bureau's homepage at
General Notes: For details please refer to the Education Bureau's homepage at
How to apply: For details please refer to the Education Bureau's homepage at
Contact Address: For details please refer to the Education Bureau's homepage at
Enquiry Telephone: See EDB's Homepage 
Closing Date(dd/mm/yyyy): Applications are accepted all year round until further notice. 
Newspaper(s) Advertised and Date(s):
Web Site of Department: https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/about-edb/info/recruitment/NCSC-Vacancy/Index_NCSC.html
Application via Internet: Not Applicable 
Advertising Date 26/08/2022